The binaries for GSL 1.12 are provided in this post: MinGW (3.4.5) binaries of GNU Scientific Library 1.12 for use with MinGW and Visual C++
“The GNU Scientific Library (GSL) is a numerical library for C and C++ programmers. The library provides a wide range of mathematical routines such as random number generators, special functions and least-squares fitting. There are over 1000 functions in total with an extensive test suite”.
GSL is quite Unix centric but one might want to use the library at least with MinGW on Windows. I didn’t find any MinGW binaries of GSL apart from the one provided by the Ascend package or the binaries from GNUWin32 (which is only at version 1.8), but I don’t like graphical installers for libraries and I needed the static library. Therefore I compiled my own library with MSYS (I updated MSYS according to this link) and provide here the tarred binary package, which can also be used with the MinGW compiler without MSYS and with Visual C (import libraries for the shared library are provided).
There are no makefiles for the MinGW compiler but it is possible to compile the GSL in the MSYS development environment. I wrote a little bash script which downloads the GSL source package (with the help of curl), untars the package, compiles the source and assembles the binaries and necessary files for development in a tar.gz package using 7zip. Curl and 7zip need to be in the path or in the same directory as the script. The script will create a gsl_mingw directory where the source package is downloaded to and all compilation steps will take place. The tar.gz package will be created in gsl_mingw/package and copied to the directory where the script was run. Below you can download the binary package of GSL 1.11 for the MinGW 3.4.5 compiler toolset (to be used in MSYS and in native Windows CLI) and the script I wrote to compile GSL in MSYS yourself if you want. I also added the import libraries for Visual C (only for the shared GSL) according GNUWin32 descriptions.
Download: GSL 1.11 Binary for MinGW 3.4.5 (with Visual C import libraries)
The script will create a directory “gsl_mingw” in the same directory where the script is run. Before the scripts starts downloading the GSL package, it shows some informations and waits for user input.
####################################################################### # This MSYS/bash batch file will download, compile and make a package # of the GNU scientific library for the MinGW compiler. You need to # have Msys and MinGW already installed. # # You need curl.exe and 7za.exe for this script to work # correctly: # - curl 7.18.0 no SSL download location: # # - 7-zip 4.57 command line version: # ####################################################################### ####################################################################### # determine directories and set variables # source package will be downloaded to $MAINDIR # source will be compiled in $BUILDDIR # binary package will be created in $ROOTDIR ####################################################################### export GSL_VERSION=1.11 export GSL_URL=${GSL_VERSION}.tar.gz export MINGW_VERSION=`gcc -dumpversion` export ROOTDIR=`pwd` export MAINDIR=$ROOTDIR/gsl_mingw export BUILDDIR=$MAINDIR/gsl-${GSL_VERSION} export PACKAGEDIR=$MAINDIR/package ####################################################################### # show user the settings and ask if he wants to continue ####################################################################### echo echo ============================================================== echo == Please check the settings echo ============================================================== echo echo Directories echo =========== echo ROOTDIR=$ROOTDIR echo MAINDIR=$MAINDIR echo BUILDDIR=$BUILDDIR echo PACKAGEDIR=$PACKAGEDIR echo echo Other echo ===== echo GSL_URL=$GSL_URL echo GSL_VERSION=$GSL_VERSION echo MINGW_VERSION=$MINGW_VERSION echo echo "Should the build process be continued? Type y to continue!" read -n 1 -s if [ "$REPLY" != "y" ]; then echo "Shell script stopped ..." exit -1; fi ####################################################################### # create directories ####################################################################### mkdir $MAINDIR mkdir $PACKAGEDIR ####################################################################### # download and unpack gsl source code ####################################################################### echo +++ Downloading gsl from $GSL_URL +++ curl $GSL_URL -o $MAINDIR/gsl-${GSL_VERSION}.tar.gz pushd $MAINDIR tar xzf gsl-${GSL_VERSION}.tar.gz popd ####################################################################### # configure and build library ####################################################################### mkdir $BUILDDIR/buildstatic pushd $BUILDDIR/buildstatic ../configure --enable-static=yes --enable-shared=no --prefix=$PACKAGEDIR/gsl-${GSL_VERSION}-static make make install popd mkdir $BUILDDIR/buildshared pushd $BUILDDIR/buildshared # CFLAGS=-DGSL_DLL ../configure --enable-static=no --enable-shared=yes --prefix=$PACKAGEDIR/gsl-${GSL_VERSION} ../configure --enable-static=no --enable-shared=yes --prefix=$PACKAGEDIR/gsl-${GSL_VERSION}-shared make make install popd ####################################################################### # make package for website ####################################################################### if [ 1 == 1 ] then pushd $PACKAGEDIR mkdir -p gsl-${GSL_VERSION}/lib-static mkdir -p gsl-${GSL_VERSION}/lib-shared mkdir -p gsl-${GSL_VERSION}/bin mkdir -p gsl-${GSL_VERSION}/include cp -r gsl-${GSL_VERSION}-static/include/* gsl-${GSL_VERSION}/include cp -r gsl-${GSL_VERSION}-static/lib/* gsl-${GSL_VERSION}/lib-static cp -r gsl-${GSL_VERSION}-shared/lib/* gsl-${GSL_VERSION}/lib-shared cp -r gsl-${GSL_VERSION}-shared/bin/* gsl-${GSL_VERSION}/bin echo 'This GNU Scientific Library DLL was generated using MingW/Msys.' > gsl-${GSL_VERSION}/README.txt echo 'configure settings:' >> gsl-${GSL_VERSION}/README.txt echo '../configure --enable-static=yes --enable-shared=no' >> gsl-${GSL_VERSION}/README.txt echo '../configure --enable-static=no --enable-shared=yes' >> gsl-${GSL_VERSION}/README.txt echo '' >> gsl-${GSL_VERSION}/README.txt echo 'To create Visual C import libraries open a VC command line' >> gsl-${GSL_VERSION}/README.txt echo 'and in lib-shared run:' >> gsl-${GSL_VERSION}/README.txt echo 'lib /machine:i386 /def:libgsl-0.def' >> gsl-${GSL_VERSION}/README.txt echo 'lib /machine:i386 /def:libgslcblas-0.def' >> gsl-${GSL_VERSION}/README.txt pushd gsl-${GSL_VERSION}/bin strip gsl-histogram.exe gsl-randist.exe libgsl-0.dll libgslcblas-0.dll pexports.exe libgsl-0.dll > ../lib-shared/libgsl-0.def pexports.exe libgslcblas-0.dll > ../lib-shared/libgslcblas-0.def popd tar -cf gsl-${GSL_VERSION}_mingw-${MINGW_VERSION}.tar gsl-${GSL_VERSION} gzip gsl-${GSL_VERSION}_mingw-${MINGW_VERSION}.tar mv gsl-${GSL_VERSION}_mingw-${MINGW_VERSION}.tar.gz $ROOTDIR popd fi exit 1
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