MinGW binaries of NetCDF 3.6.2

netCDF (network Common Data Form) is a set of software libraries and machine-independent data formats that support the creation, access, and sharing of array-oriented scientific data”. On its homepage you’ll find a lot of precompiled libraries for Unix derivates but only a binary of netCDF 3.6.1 compiled with Visual C++. It’s possible to use this binary in MinGW also, but I prefer to use libraries compiled with the same compiler toolkit I’m working with. There are no makefiles for the MinGW compiler but it is possible to compile the netCDF library in the MSys development ennvironment. I wrote a bash little script which downloads the netCDF source package (with the help of curl), untars the package, compiles the source and assembles the binaries and necessary files for development in a tar.gz package. Curl needs to be in the path or in the same directory as the script. The script will create a netcdf_mingw directory where the source package is downloaded to and all compilation steps will take place. The tar.gz package will be created in netcdf_mingw/package. Below you can download the binary package of netCDF 3.6.2 for the MinGW compiler toolset (to be used in MSys and in native Windows CLI) and the script I wrote to compile netCDF in MSys yourself if you want.

netCDF 3.6.2 Binary for MinGW 3.4.5: Download (rename the file to netcdf-3.6.2_mingw.tar.gz)

The script will create a directory netcdf_mingw in the same directory where the script is run. Before the scripts starts downloading the netCDF package, it shows some informations and waits for user input.

# This batch file will download, compile and make a package of
# the netcdf library for the MinGW compiler. You need to have Msys
# and MinGW already installed.
# You need curl.exe and 7za.exe for this script to work
# correctly:
#   - curl 7.18.0 no SSL download location:
# http://curl.haxx.se/download/curl-7.18.0-win32-nossl-sspi.zip
#   - 7-zip 4.57 command line version:
# http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sevenzip/7za457.zip

# determine directories
# source package will be downloaded into and compiled in $MAINDIR
# binary package will be created in $PACKAGEDIR
export ROOTDIR=`pwd`
export MAINDIR=$ROOTDIR/netcdf_mingw
export BUILDDIR=$MAINDIR/netcdf-3.6.2
export PACKAGEDIR=$MAINDIR/package

# show user the settings and ask if he wants to continue
echo ==============================================================
echo == Please check the settings
echo ==============================================================
echo Directories
echo ===========
echo Type y to continue!

read -n 1 ANSWER
if [ $ANSWER != "y" ]
exit -1;

# remove and create directories
mkdir $MAINDIR

# download and unpack netcdf-3.6.2 package
echo +++ Downloading netcdf library from http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/downloads/netcdf/ftp/netcdf-3.6.2.tar.gz +++
curl http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/downloads/netcdf/ftp/netcdf-3.6.2.tar.gz -o $MAINDIR/netcdf-3.6.2.tar.gz
pushd $MAINDIR
tar xzf netcdf-3.6.2.tar.gz

# configure and build library
./configure --enable-shared --disable-separate-fortram --disable-cxx --disable-f90

# make package for website
if [ 1 == 1 ]
echo 'This netCDF DLL was generated using MingW/Msys.' > $PACKAGEDIR/README_DLL.txt
echo './configure --enable-shared --disable-separate-fortram --disable-cxx --disable-f90' >> $PACKAGEDIRREADME_DLL.txt
echo 'To use the DLL from C, include netcdf.h.' >> $PACKAGEDIR/README_DLL.txt
echo 'To use the DLL from Fortran, include netcdf.inc.' >> $PACKAGEDIR/README_DLL.txt
cp libsrc/.libs/libnetcdf.a $PACKAGEDIR
cp libsrc/.libs/libnetcdf.dll.a $PACKAGEDIR
cp libsrc/.libs/libnetcdf-4.dll $PACKAGEDIR
cp libsrc/netcdf.h $PACKAGEDIR
cp fortran/netcdf.inc $PACKAGEDIR
cp ncgen/.libs/ncgen.exe $PACKAGEDIR
cp ncdump/.libs/ncdump.exe $PACKAGEDIR
tar -cf netcdf-3.6.2_mingw.tar netcdf.h libnetcdf.a libnetcdf.dll.a libnetcdf-4.dll README_DLL.txt netcdf.inc ncgen.exe ncdump.exe
gzip netcdf-3.6.2_mingw.tar


exit 1

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