Configure PLplot for MinGW/CLI

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You need a working MinGW installation. Start the command line interface (NOT MSYS - see below) and issue the following commands:

cd plplot
mkdir buildmingw
cd buildmingw
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=install ..
mingw32-make install

This will build a shared plplot library and install all files into the directory plplot\buildmingw\install. The following options are available for cmake:

  • -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF: static build of plplot
  • -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=ON: makefiles provide verbose informations
  • -DBUILD_TEST=ON: all examples will be built also (for test purposes)
  • Configuration of wxWidgets driver

If you used the -DBUILD_TEST=ON option, you need to copy some files in order to run the examples:

cd examples\c
copy ..\..\..\data\*.fnt .

and additionally some dlls for a shared plplot built:

copy ..\..\src\libplplotd.dll .
copy "..\..\bindings\c++\libplplotcxxd.dll" . (for c++ examples)
copy ..\..\lib\csa\libcsirocsa.dll . (if library as built)

and for the wxWidgets driver (if wxWidgets library is shared):

copy %WXWIN%\lib\gcc_dll\wxmsw26d_gcc_custom.dll .

if this dll is not in the path.

Note on MSYS:

The MSYS command window (rxvt) is somewhat awkward to use with an interactive program. It buffers the output, so that the question what device you want (as printed by plinit()) appears only after you have given an answer. The nett effect is that the program appears to hang. It is easier to use an ordinary DOS-box.